Beaver Science Buddies

While science and technology heroes such as Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg make the headlines, so too did the 14th Ayrshire Beaver Scout Group (Prestwick). Being inspired by these true heroes the Beavers did their Experiment Activity Badge all together by Zoom. It was truly interactive with 20 Beaver Scouts and their families following their Beaver Leaders instructions via Zoom, from her make shift kitchen laboratory in Prestwick! (Their parents were sent a list of items needed in advance of the Zoom call)

BeaverLeader Fiona and Forbes in the kitchen lab
Zoom Call

The Beaver Group carried out 3 different experiments on Friday 29th May 2020. These were: The Skittles Experiment, The Pepper and Soap Experiment and how to Make a Home Made Lava Lamp.

These hands on experiments really brought science to life during lockdown. Hopefully inspiring a new generation of science heroes.

Beaver Jonah said ‘ lockdown has sometimes been a bit boring but this was not boring at all it was totally brilliant! I got to make a real lava lamp which was so cool!’

Beaver Gregor said ‘ I’ve given the skittles experiment my thumbs up as my favourite because, I loved watching the colours make a beautiful rainbow!

Beaver Lewis said ‘The lava lamp was great! I also liked eating the skittles at the end”

Beaver Jack said ‘I loved the lava lamp experiment because it looked so cool!’

Beaver Keith said ‘that was the best badge ever, coz I love science!’

Beaver Harris L said’ the experiments were so much fun, and on top of that I got a new badge.’

Lava lamp action

Our resident Lego creator Sandy, recreated the experiment badge in Lego! Utterly brilliant. Beaver Sandy said ‘ Loved this! A brilliant way to learn some more experiments.’

Michelle (Beaver Mum) ‘Izaak asked to take the lava lamp outside to see if they looked different in the sunshine. I wish they all got this excited over their school work.’

Avril (Beaver Mum) ‘think these experiments will be repeated!’

The aim of this activity was for the Beavers to experience something new and a great way to reconnect with their friends during this Lockdown period. Well done boys in earning your Experiment Activity badge!

Lockdown Badges by Sandy Maitland (7 years old) – 14th Ayrshire Scout Group (Prestwick)

I was sad to know that the Lockdown meant we couldn’t be at Beavers for a long time. But I didn’t worry, because I thought Fiona (Beaver Leader for the 14th Ayrshire Scout Group -Prestwick ) would have something planned… and she did!

She had planned lots of badge work to keep us going! We’ve been busy working on our big Challenge badges as well as our Activity badges (like Photography, Imagination, Builder, Hot Wheels Creativity and Book Badges)

Sandy’s photography badge
Sandy’s amazingly built racetrack for his Hot Wheels Badge

I’ve read loads, written stories, built a giant race track, taken photographs, created a comic, made a raft from recycled materials, built a desk and stool for my shed, made heaps of Lego creations, drawn and painted some artwork,learned about the world around us, had a virtual camp and looked after the garden all during Lockdown.

We’ve even did badge work as a group together on Zoom. That was good fun because it felt like we were all back together again.

The Great Camp At Home – Zoom Call with the Group

My dream was to have a third row of badges on my sleeve, like Forbes – which I’ve managed! It’s nice to look at my badges on my sleeve and remember the work I put into them, it’s been a lot of fun.

I’m now working towards my last Challenge Badge before I’m ready for the Chief Scout’s Bronze Award!.. Can’t wait, I’d always wished I could earn this one since I heard about it!

14th Ayrshire Beaver Scouts (Prestwick) Take Part in a Virtual Camp During Lockdown

Beavers from Prestwick’s 14th Ayrshire Scout Group have been finding new ways to have fun and learn new skills despite the restrictions triggered by the coronavirus epidemic.

Many of the Beaver’s have taken part in The Great Camp At Home, a virtual overnight camp in place of our annual group camp to Dumfries House, on Saturday 9th May 2020.

Beavers and their families all joined in by packing a bag, designing and building a shelter or den or tent to sleep in, assembling a campfire, creating and making a camp flag and taking part in a Beaver Group Zoom call to do some scouting activities and games. One of the games we played was a scavenger hunt where the boys had to run and get an item from their house with a letter of the alphabet that was shouted out during the Zoom call. The letters were B E A V E R S – all the boys found some great items that brought a smile to everyones face.

Beaver Forbes erecting his tent
Keith’s amazing video

Beaver Sandy, said: “ it was great fun, really enjoyed it! Loving seeing everyone’s faces again. May not have been our Dumfries House camp that we were all looking forward to, but definitely still great fun and great memories we can keep. Wish we could do it again!”  

Beaver Thomas, said “ it was great to see my friends from Beavers and it was good fun doing the scavenger hunt. I toasted marshmallows on my campfire and slept in my tent all night with my Dad and my big brother too.”

Beaver Harris, said: “The camp out was amazing… I spent the day with my Mum, Dad and little sister setting up my camp and collected lots of wood for a fire. I loved making my flag, toasting marshmallows and the best bit was my late night feast and chat with some of my Beaver friends on Zoom!”

The aim of the virtual camp was to connect young people, learn new skills and to take good care of themselves by getting involved in fun challenges and have an adventure to plan and enjoy in the safety of their own home.

“Harris has loved the various badge challenges set by Fiona and Adam (the Beaver Leaders) These have been a welcome distraction and have added lots of fun and life skills to our days together as a family during Lockdown. It’s also been a lot easier getting him to focus on these challenges than his schoolwork!” (Harris’s Dad)

Avril (Sandy’s Mum said) “What a brilliant experience for all the boys during this really unusual time. Lifted their spirits, being able to see each other, chat, play games and still take part in a camp. The excitement gave them all a well deserved boost.”

As the Beaver Leader for the 14th Ayrshire Scout Group, I was delighted to see full families getting involved and sleeping outside in their back gardens. Although lockdown is not ideal it doesn’t have to mean boring! Fiona Hainey.

Fiona and Forbes ready for the zoom call
Zoom call