Scotjam leader planning weekend ! (Ballantrae 2nd Ayrshire)

This weekend we visited Lochgoilhead scout activity centre for a planning weekend in preparation for Scotjam 2018 which both our Cubs and scouts will be attending this summer (Cubs 16th-20th July , Scouts 21st-28th July ).

The weekend was great with plenty of sun shine on an absolutely breathtaking location (apparently it never rains in lochgoilhead 😁)

Cannot wait for the real thing this summer the activity program sounds amazing , our young people are going to have a blast !!


Ballantrae 2nd Ayrshire JOTT

Tonight beavers and Cubs had there JOTT (jamboree on the trail) beavers walked 2.5 miles, Cubs did 5 miles along the beach . Scouts set up a BBQ on the beach for when they all got back , then we played games like rounders ,frisbee and football.